Notus open-source CFD software is an initiative of Institut d’Ingénierie et de Mécanique – Bordeaux (I2M, Bordeaux University, CNRS UMR 5295) developed since 2015. It is dedicated to the modelisation and simulation of incompressible fluid flows in a massively parallel context. Its numerical framework is the Finite Volume method on Cartesian staggered grids with a methodological focus on interfaces treatment (on going works on fluid-fluid interface advection, surface tension computation, immersed boundary methods, etc.).
The aims of the project are to provide a code:
- for the mechanical community, that is easy to use and adapt, based on proven state-of-the-art numerical methods;
- for the mathematical community in order to develop new numerical schemes without having to rewrite a complete code, offering a fast, efficient and approved framework for comparative and qualitative tests on numerical and physical cases;
- that runs on massively parallel supercomputers (such as the one available at PRACE and various French mesocentres), while masking parallelism complexities for easy programming;
- that offers numerical tools that can be easily used to solve novel mathematical and physical problems of your own;
- that is thoroughly validated and documented.